A: insearchof
B: inhonorof
C: infavourof
D: intermsof
A: insearchof
B: inhonorof
C: infavourof
D: intermsof
- ()simplicity,wemayputthetheorybrieflyasfollows. A: Asaresultof B: Forthesakeof C: Inconsequenceof D: Intermsof
- 信用证中,表示受益人的常见词或词组有() A: Beneficiary B: inyourfavour C: Principal D: infavourof
- 34. I don’ have ______ to buy the plane. A: A)money enough B: B)enough money C: C)a lot of money D: D)lots money
- Oneyearago,thenominalexchangerateforUSD/EURwas1.300.Sincethen,therealexchangeratehasincreasedby3%.This<strong><em>mostlikely</em></strong>impliesthat: A: thenominalexchangerateislessthanUSD/EUR1.235. B: thepurchasingpoweroftheeurohasincreasedapproximately3%intermsof C: D: goods. E: inflationintheeurozonewasapproximately3%higherthaninflationintheUnitedStates.
- Success in life is not ______you make. A: what money B: how many money C: how much money D: what amount of money