• 2022-06-07
    Which of the following elements were mentioned in a linear model of communication?
  • senderreceiverencodingdecoding


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      ​Which of the following belongs to a hidden Combined Grey Model?‎ A: Grey Markov Model B: Grey Econometrics Model C: Grey Linear Regression Model D: Grey Cobb-Douglas Model

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is not among the seven elements in the communication process of public speaking?

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      Which of the following are basic elements of the E-R model? A: Entities B: Attributes C: Relationships D: Constraints

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      中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is NOT among the seven elements in the communication process of public speaking. (单选)

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      Which of the following should be balanced in a model? ( ) A: charges B: COD C: components in mole/L D: elements