• 2022-06-07
    How can you keep the machine ____when you are away?
  • running


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      If you don't know how to use the machine, you can _____ (寻求帮助)

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      How can you control your products while you are away from home?

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      How can I convince her ____ your honesty when you keep on telling lies to her? A: to B: on C: with D: of

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      ---How long can I keep the book?----______________ A: Yes, you can keep it. B: No, I'm afraid you should return it now. C: Three weeks. But you can renew it if you need it for a longer time. D: You can take it at anytime you want.

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      How can you give the impression that you feel confident? You can give the interviewer a _________ handshake when you say hello.