• 2022-06-07
    What is the most important function of trees
    A: Providing fuel.
    B: Offering shade.
    C: Preventing natural disasters.
    D: Providing charcoal.
  • C


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      What is the purpose of the program mentioned in this passage() A: To predict natural disasters that can cause vast destruction. B: To limit the destruction that natural disasters may cause. C: To gain financial support from the United Nations. D: To propose measures to hold back natural disasters.

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      What types can disasters be divided into? ( )。 A: Biological disasters. B: Environmental pollutions. C: Geographical disasters. D: Meteorological disasters.

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      What can America learn from Finland on the issue of homelessness? A: immigration B: providing fund C: offering house D: creating more work opportunities

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      If most of the sentences of the text are declarative sentence, then the function of the text is most probably providing information. Imperative sentence is often a style of news reports, science and technology, narration, expository writing, etc.

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      In what respects are the University Colleges and Institutes superior to the Universities______ A: In offering the students better school curriculum B: In Arts and Humanities subjects C: In classroom instructions D: In providing professional training for teachers