• 2022-06-07
    Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. What is the woman busy with these days
    A: Reading some magazines about economics.
    B: Looking for related books in the library.
    C: Swotting up for the final exam.
  • C


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      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. Besides the birthday cake supply, what else can the birthday party center provide A: vegetable burgers B: ice creams C: some beverage

    • 1

      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. What’s the main purpose of opening the park A: entertainment B: education and research C: earning money

    • 2

      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. What impressed David most at the party A: cheerful atmosphere B: snacks and drinks C: dancing and singing

    • 3

      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. The surname of the passenger is________. A: Thomson B: Toms C: Thomas

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      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. What kind of people does the company most want to attract A: professors B: workers C: university students