• 2022-06-07
    Brain death refers to the total brain death, including the brain and brain stem, which means that the function of the body as a whole is permanently stopped.
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      The late death of trauma is usually a result of() A: infection B: multiple organ<br/>failure C: brain death D: all of above

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      (multiple choices)About the function of our brain, which option is true ?

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      The part in the brain that plays a role both in sleep and memory is: A: The cortex B: The thalamus C: The hypothalamus D: The hippocampus E: The brain stem

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      The word anencephaly means: A: below the cerebrum B: absence of a cerebellum C: absence of a brain D: membrane of a brain

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      Thinking is the best way to train our brain; lacking in brain _______ may cause brain shrinkage.