• 2022-06-07
    Food prices (raise) () so rapidly in the past two month.
  • have been raised


    • 0

      Jinggangshan provided good conditions to access food in the past, so the Red Army can achieve the victory of wars. ( )

    • 1

      The ______ of oil prices is still upwards this month.

    • 2

      We will have a ___________holiday after the exam. A: two month B: two–month C: two month’s D: two–months

    • 3

      根据提示,用课文中的单词或词组填空。 Fresh food is so scarce that prices have ______(飙升).

    • 4

      The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a day when the two Yang numbers meet. So it is called Chongyang.