How to find the key ideas in a sentence?To figure out the key idea of a sentence, ask yourself these questions:
A: Who or what is the sentence about?
B: What is the person or thing doing?
C: What areminor details and what are the main ideas?
A: Who or what is the sentence about?
B: What is the person or thing doing?
C: What areminor details and what are the main ideas?
- How to find the key ideas in a sentence? To figure out the key idea of a sentence, ask yourself these questions:
- The starting point for determining the key idea in a sentence is to find who or what the sentence is about and what the person or object is doing.
- For the types of topic sentence, what is one of the exceptions mentioned?( ) A: Topic sentence at the beginning B: Topic sentence at the end C: Main idea in more than one sentence D: Topic sentence in the middle
- "What the sentence is about" refers to the ________ of the sentence, which is not always the grammatical subject.
- What is true about a topic sentence?