• 2022-06-07
    Don"t ______ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
    A: reject
    B: prevent
    C: hesitate
    D: refuse
  • C


    • 0

      -Hello, may I have an appointment with the headmaster?-________________. A: Sorry, I don't know you B: No, you can't C: Certainly. Wait a minute, please D: Let me see

    • 1

      中国大学MOOC: Translation:A : I really dont know how to thank you .B : Im glad I was able to help.A : Its most kind of you .B : Dont mention it . It was the least I could do.A : If theres ever anything I can do for you , Dont hesitate to let me know .B : Thank you .A : Im most grateful .B : It was a pleasure.

    • 2

      (At a party)Adam: This is a great apartment.Tammy: I think so, too.______Adam: No, I'm Adam. I came with Carl. I don't really know anyone here. Carl's told me about most of his friends, but I can't match the names with the faces. A: Excuse me, but do I know you B: Excuse me, could I know you C: Excuse me, do you mind telling me your name D: Excuse me, but do you know me

    • 3

      I don't know how to get to the train station. Can you me?

    • 4

      ---Dear! I can't find my notebook.--- Is there ______ in it? Let me help you. A: anything important B: important anything C: important something D: something important