• 2022-06-07
    Mary will not be
    able to come to the birthday party as she is ____with a cold.
    A: laid out
    B: laid up
    C: laid by
    D: laid down
  • B


    • 0

      The boy ______ when he said that he ______ the eggs ______ by the hen in the closet before he ______ down to have a rest. A: was lying, had laid, laid, lay B: had laid, lay, laid, was lying C: lay, was lying, lain, lay D: laid, lay, lam, lies

    • 1

      Just then he ______ that the hen ______ three eggs a day. A: lied, lay B: lied, laid C: lay, laid D: laid, cay

    • 2

      The correct procedure is laid down in the rules and____.

    • 3

      【填空题】lie lied lied lie lay lain lay laid laid

    • 4

      ______ martyrs(烈士) have heroically laid down their lives for the people.