• 2022-06-07
    On Friday the caterpillar ate through _____ oranges. (Food单元绘本)
  • five


    • 0

      On Tuesday, he ate through ______, but he was still hungry.

    • 1

      On Wednesday, he ate through ______ , but he was still hungry.

    • 2

      1.Every Friday , what will be sent from from a fruiterer in New York? A: five crates of oranges and lemons arrived B: sixcrates of oranges and lemons arrived C: five crates ofapples and pears D: sixcrates ofgrapes and watermelon

    • 3

      China's food strategy in the new era consists of ensuring security of food through food self-sufficiency.( )

    • 4

      The food _______ we ate in the dining hall is very delicious. A: A.where B: B.which C: C.who