• 2022-06-07
    He admitted, with a.........................(puzzle)frown, that he didn't understand a word of the speech.
  • puzzled


    • 0

      4. He _____ and was made to repeat it. A: A. was not understood B: B. didn’t understood C: C. wasn’t understand D: D. didn’t understand

    • 1

      智慧职教: He didn’t understand the _____ question, so there was a _____ expression on his face.

    • 2

      The speaker kept on talking for about an hour, but I just didn’t understand what he was _______.

    • 3

      He complained that they didn’t cooperate with him,________? A: didn’t they B: didn’t he C: did they D: did he

    • 4

      He didn’t go to the lecture this morning, _____? A: didn’t he B: did he C: is he D: has he