• 2022-06-07
    Frankly speaking, your article is very good except for some ________ mistakes in grammar.
  • trivial


    • 0

      _________ two grammar mistakes, your writing is excellent. A: Besides B: Except for C: Except from D: Except

    • 1

      One of the good ways to find your mistakes in your speaking is to ______. A: [A] speak as much as possible. B: write notes or letters. C: ask some Americans to speak with you.

    • 2

      Your writing is good ____ a few grammar mistakes. A: except B: but C: besides D: except for

    • 3

      Some very obvious lexical signals for a review article are the followings except for:

    • 4

      Generally<br/>speaking, grammar can be divided into theoretical grammar and<br/>pedagogical grammar. Besides, there seems to be a shift from<br/>prescriptive grammar to descriptive grammar in terms of teaching<br/>grammar. ( <br/>)