• 2022-06-07
    Advantages of taking physical education (P.E.) courses Advantages of taking liberal arts courses Disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts 三选一
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      “liberal arts”指的是()。

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      Why a Liberal Arts Education? A liberal arts education provides with many benefits as well as a ____ education. When it comes to business, a liberal arts student should have just ____ a chance as a market-oriented student does. A liberal arts education is regarded as being a _____ education in which students study many different subjects to gain a better working knowledge, rather than focusing on one specific area. By having the chance to take ____ classes, you can definitely find a career choice that you would like to further explore. As you can obtain experience in many different areas from a liberal arts education, you will never have to be ___ one specific career that you are probably fed up with just because that was the career that you went to college for. Moreover, with a liberal arts education, you would had ____ if you had entered into a career field and found out that it wasn’t exactly what you had in mind.

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      “liberal arts”的意思是()

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      Which of the following is not a definition of “liberal arts”?

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      Do you think your high school education was very much like attending a liberal arts college? Why or why not?