three primary colors
- The RGB color model, that is, the three primary colors, 8-bit coding of the RGB three primary colors each constitutes about 167,000 colors, which is what we often say is true color. ( )
- The RGB color model, that is, the three primary colors, 8-bit coding of the RGB three primary colors each constitutes about 167,000 colors, which is what we often say is true color. ( ) A: 正确 B: 错误
- About CMYK color model, which of the following statements is true: A: The CMYK model is used for color printing. B: Black belongs to the three primary colors of CMYK color model. C: Red belongs to the three primary colors of CMYK color model. D: Green belongs to the three primary colors of CMYK color model.
- In the color circle, a primary color and the corresponding secondary<br/>color (such as red and green, yellow and purple, blue and orange) are<br/>called ( ). A: Intermediate colors B: Three primary colors C: Compound colors D: Complementary colors
- A RGB value is made up of three values that represent the relative contributions of the primary colors red, green, and blue.