• 2022-06-08
    For the circuit shown in Figure, ignored the saturation of the transistor ,then the maximum power of each transistor maybe ( )[img=455x503]1803a2c026177a4.png[/img]
    A: 9W
    B: 4.5W
    C: 0.9W
    D: 1.8W
  • C


    • 0

      智慧职教: 以下程序的执行结果是( )。 main() { int w = 1, x = 2, y = 3, z = 4; w =( w < x ) ? x : w; w =( w < y ) ? y : w; w =( w < z ) ? z : w; printf( "%d " , w );}

    • 1

      假设x=4,y=2,m=5,n=4,w=12,t=9,则经过表达式(w=x 0  9

    • 2

      int w=1,x=2,y=3,z=4;则表达式w>x?w:y A: 4 B: 3 C: 2 D: 1

    • 3

      Set int a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, w; after executing the following statement, the value of w is ().w=(a<b)?a :b;w=(w<c)?w:c;w=(w<d)?w:d; A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4

    • 4

      如图所示电路,则电压源发出的功率等于:( ____)[img=167x103]18033abb0262553.jpg[/img] A: 1 W B: -4/3 W C: 4/3 W D: 1/3 W