Dictation: In this section, a short passage will be read for three times. In the first time, it will be read in normal speed. In the second time, there will be a long pasuse after each sentence. And in the third reading, it will be read in normal speed again. Please write the full passage down while you are reading.
Are some people born clever, and others bornstupid? Or is intelligence developed by ourenvironment and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions isyes. To some extent our intelligence is given us atbirth, and no amount of special education can make agenius out of a child born with low intelligence. Onthe other hand, a child who lives in a boringenvironment will develop his intelligence less thanone who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus, the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limitswill depend on his environment. This view, held by most experts now, can be supported in anumber of ways. As is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we areborn with. The closer the blood relationship between two people is, the closer they are likely tobe in intelligence.
- Directions: In this section you will hear a short passage. Listen to the passage and fill in each blank IN NOT MORE THAN THREE WORDS. The passage will be read three times.
- ________the poem a second time, the meaning will become clear to you. A: Your having read B: While reading C: If reading D: When you read
- _______the poem a second time, the meaning will become clearer to you. A: Your having read B: When you read C: While reading
- ()the poem a second time, it will be much better under stood. A: Your having read B: Having read C: When you read D: While reading
- 15. _______ the poem a second time, the meaning of it will become clearer to you. A: A)Your having read B: B)If reading C: C) When you read D: D)While reading
- 0
- Have you read the novel - Yes. I () it three times while I was in university. A: had read B: read C: have read D: was reading
- 1
How much time do you spend______English books? A: read B: in reading C: to read D: on reading
- 2
Reading A Task2 Read the passage and match each paragraph with the corresponding aspect of the company.
- 3
To achieve a faster reading speed and better comprehension, you are encouraged to read word by word.
- 4
Unitt3 reading A task2(副本) Read the passage and choose an appropriate title for each step.