• 2021-04-14
    5. According to the author, who can beone’s role model? Accordingto the author, ____________________________________________________.
  • role models can be parents, teachers, or anyone you admire.


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      According to the author’s observation, college students—————————— .

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      A. Complete the following sentencesorally according to the text, and then work with your partner and take turnsasking and answering the questions orally. 1. What are the standards for the author to choose her role model? First,____________________________.Second,___________________________________.Finally, ______________________________.

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      中国大学MOOC: Who comprise the majority in a society according to the author?

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      Who was the man described in the author’s speech?

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      According to Prof. Hood, author of The City Beneath Us, laborers who built New York’s subways are not remembered and duly respected.