Emily Bronte ()
A: I
Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
B: Ode
to a Nightingale
C: Robinson
D: Sense
and Sensibility
E: David Copperfield
F: On
His Deceased Wife
G: The
Merchant of Venice
H: Jane Eyre
I: The Canterbury Tales
J: Wuthering Heights
A: I
Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
B: Ode
to a Nightingale
C: Robinson
D: Sense
and Sensibility
E: David Copperfield
F: On
His Deceased Wife
G: The
Merchant of Venice
H: Jane Eyre
I: The Canterbury Tales
J: Wuthering Heights
- Besides<br/>Jane Eyre, which of the following novels was also written by<br/>Charlotte Bronte? ____ A: The<br/>Professor B: Wuthering<br/>Heights C: Agnes<br/>Grey D: Pride<br/>and Prejudice
- Which<br/>of the following were written by Wordsworth ____ A: “Ode<br/>to the West Wind” B: “To<br/>a Skylark” C: “I<br/>Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” D: “The<br/>Rime of Ancient Mariner”
- _________is the first<br/>important woman novel in the English literary history. A: Emma B: Jane<br/>Eyre C: Wuthering<br/>Heights D: Middlemarch
- Perhaps the two best-known novels are Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre, and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, _________________.
- I Match (Directions: Match the works with their respective authors. There are 15 questions, each is 1 point, totaling 15 points.) ()<br/>Sense and Sensibility A: David Herbert Lawrence B: Robert<br/>Burns C: Charles<br/>Dickens D: Jane<br/>Austen E: William Somerset Maugham