• 2022-06-08
    --- Where is Miss Smith? ---____________.
    A: She’s from England
    B: She’s at home
    C: She’s not back
    D: She’s very well
  • B


    • 0

      What can we learn about Lucy(). A: She’s a troublemaker. B: She’s from a rich family. C: She isn’t getting on well with others.

    • 1

      Linda's just come back from America, ? A: hasn't she B: has she C: didn't she D: did she

    • 2

      What do we know about the mother A: She’s kept the bad news a secret. B: She’s not learned the bad news. C: She’s very much afraid for her son. D: She’s in very serious condition.

    • 3

      What’s the woman’s attitude A: She is unhappy. B: She is very happy. C: She is neither angry nor happy.

    • 4

      She may forget to come — she’s not very ______.