• 2022-06-08
    中国大学MOOC: It is expected that everyone will ( ) before serving food and eating a meal.
  • wash their hands


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      中国大学MOOC: Defecation is the process of taking food into the body through the mouth (as by eating).

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      When dining with six or more, it’s polite to wait till roughly 50% of the table has their food before starting your meal. In smaller groups, wait until the entire table has their food, unless food temperature is at high risk in decreasing the enjoyment of the meal, and/or others at the table insist you begin.What is the implied main idea of the paragraph?__________________________________________________________________________

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      Metaphorically speaking, creative writing is not about the ingredients to prepare a certain meal we have eaten and enjoyed before, but about the adventure of the ______ meal.

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      When eating, you should close your mouth to chew food well before you swallow it.

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      The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that in the West everyone has their own plate of food, while in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, he will __________ to give you a taste of many different types of dishes. The Chinese are very ________________ their food culture, and will do their best to show their hospitality. The meal usually begins with ________ at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and ve