• 2022-06-08
    4) The life is shown in curved lines of blue and green on the picture.
  • 内容

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      Both the shirts are blue. One is dark blue and the other one is ________. A: light blue B: green C: dark green

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      When you take a picture, you should ______ carefully to get a sharp picture.

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      以下选项中不能正确把 cl 定义成结构体变量的是 ______ 。 1 . typedefstruct {intred; int green; int blue; } COLOR; COLOR cl; 2 . structcolor cl { int red; int green; int blue; }; 3 . structcolor { int red; int green; int blue; }cl; 4 . struct {int red; int green; intblue; }c1;

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      ‎ Which color was called Xuan in ancient times?​ A: dark blue B: light blue C: dark green D: light green