• 2022-06-08
  • descend:下(来,降,斜,倾)(财产等)传给,遗传转而说到,涉及(细节等)屈尊,降低身分去做突然去访问,袭击向下倾斜下凡由远而近,由大而小【天】移向地平线;移向南方bedescendedfrom...[descendfrom...]从...(传)下来...


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      What does “descend on” mean in this video clip?

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      A.improveB.evolveC.mountD.ascend A: improve B: evolve C: mount D: ascend

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      Which country does Ascend Money---a leading payment company belong to ?

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      Unit check one blank-filling-1 CTL: BAW309 report _______ PIL: _______ maintaining BA W309 CTL: BA W309 descend to ______ PIL: Leaving ______ for ______ BA W309 CTL: BA W309 direct to ______, descend to _______ on QNH ______ PIL: Direct to ______ descending to _______ QNH _______ BAW309 CTL: BAW309 descend now to _______ QFE _______ PIL: Roger descending to height______ QFE _______ BA W309

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      The plane began to ______. A: remember B: stare C: type D: descend