• 2022-06-08
    12.The function of the cardiovascular
    system is to transport blood throughout the body, with the heart acting as the pump for ________.
    A: circulation
    B: transportation
    C: transplant
    D: operation
  • A


    • 0

      4.What does oxytocin do to the body A: Protects the cardiovascular system B: keeps blood vessels relaxed C: promotes heart cell regeneration D: Protect the brain

    • 1

      The of the heart is to pump blood through the body. A: use B: reason C: power D: function

    • 2

      The __________ of the heart is to pump blood through the body.( ) A: auction B: function C: sanction D: conjunction

    • 3

      bump, dump, hump, lump, pump The function of the heart is to ______ blood through the body.

    • 4

      What<br/>is heart failure? () A: condition in which the heart stops beating B: condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the<br/>body's needs C: heart<br/>attack D: condition in which the patient experiences chest pain E: none<br/>of above