• 2022-06-08
    A: strongly
    B: that
    C: istold
    D: his
  • C


    • 0

      It is strongly advisable that when replying to an inquiry, the seller starts his letter by( ). A: providing details of the product B: thanking the inquirer for his interest C: telling honestly that the product is out of stock D: directly informing about the prices

    • 1

      The coolness of his temper contrasts strongly with the _______ of mine, which I cannot conceal.(impetuosity, imperfection)

    • 2

      I am strongly against his proposal that the plan _____. A: be cancelled B: will be cancelled C: to be cancelled D: shall be cancelled

    • 3

      1.He strongly resembles his father in appearance and in temperament.__________ A: look like B: ignore C: separate D: choice

    • 4

      Although he was not really interested in the job, he took it ______ his will because his parents strongly believed that the position would give him a bright future.