• 2022-06-08
    Your bicycle is_____my way.So you'll have to move it.
    A: on
    B: by
    C: in
    D: out of
  • C


    • 0

      According to the passage, when you fail in loving your job_____ . A: you’ll have to change your job B: you’ll have to change your position C: you’ll have to take a leave from your job D: you’ll have to think about the missing part in your job

    • 1

      A: So what gift have you prepared for your dad? B: Look at the fishing tackle. I’ll go ___ with my dad. A: hiking B: eading C: fishing D: drawing

    • 2

      In taking notes, you should use a ______ structure so that you can move your eyes quickly without leaving out information.

    • 3

      When your foreign friend says, “Your new dress is so beautiful.” what are you supposed to respond? ? Oh, where where.|Oh, no, are you out of your mind?|Oh, yes, my husband brought it for me.|Thanks, I am glad you like it.

    • 4

      So Julia, have you settled _________ your new house in Cowley? A: into B: down C: of D: out of