中国大学MOOC: Knowledge is a matter of science, and no dishonesty or ____ whatsoever is permissible.
- The law applies equally to all citizens and no privilege whatsoever is ______ before law. A: permissible B: pessimistic C: perceivable D: perceptible
- 按包含与被包含顺序看,以下哪个是正确的( ): Web of Knowledge→Web of Science→SCI Expended→SCI/#/Web of Knowledge→Web of Science→SCI→SCI Expended/#/Web of Science→Web of Knowledge→SCI Expended→SCI/#/Web of Science→Web of Knowledge→SCI→SCI Expended
- 中国大学MOOC: Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an undesirable effect on anyone who ________ it. (practice)
- Anyone seen carrying boxes, bags, or ____, was stopped by the police. A: however B: whatsoever C: no matter D: whatever
- 中国大学MOOC: Compared to natural science, the tools of measurement of social science are