[音频]Logicis often divided into three parts:________reasoning, abductive reasoning, and deductive reasoning.
- Which of the following statements are correct? A: For deductive arguments, if the premise is true, the thesis is very likely to be true. B: Both reasoning by principle and reasoning by definition are deductive reasoning. C: Inductive arguments are weak. D: Deductive arguments help us learn unknown things.
- If reasoning from one or more statements or premises can reach a logically certain conclusion, this way of reasoning is called ______. A: modus ponens B: modus tollens C: inductive reasoning D: deductive reasoning
- Logic reasoning can be divided into two types according to the process of reasoning, what are they? ______ & ______ .
- The syllogism of deductive reasoning does not include () A: Reasoning B: Conclusion C: General premise D: Small premise
- Please give one example of deductive reasoning