They took the injured straight to the hospital. Otherwise, some of them_______.
- They took the injured straight to the hospital. Otherwise, some of them_______. A: might have died B: might die C: would die D: could die
- 做完那件事后,他就直接去了医院。 A: That done he went straight to the hospital. B: That done, he went straight to the hospital. C: He went straight to the hospital, that done. D: He went straight to the hospital that done.
- ________in the leg, the soldier was sent to hospital at once. A: Seriously injured B: To be injured C: Being injured badly D: Having injured
- Which hospital is jack in? A: The People's Hospital. B: The Red Cross Hospital. C: The Children's Hospital.
- The three types of hospitals are general hospital, , and teaching hospital. A: children hospital B: specialized hospital C: dental hospital D: rehabilitation hospital