[音频]Teaching for success helps teachers throughout the world.
- The goal of teaching and learning is to a change in the way that both students and teachers perceive the world.
- [音频]I've talked about teachers' ________ _________ inspiring students and pushing you to learn.
- 听音辩词[音频][音频][音频][音频] A: efficiencyridiculousmismatchhistorical B: efficiencyridiculousmismatchedhistoric C: efficiencyridiculousmismatchedhistorical D: efficientridiculousmismatchedhistorical
- 听写单词:以下是Unit 6 课文A 中的20重点单词和词组的音频,按单词的头字母排序。 第一步 在草稿上写上题号1-20; 第二步听音频,跟读,理解是哪个单词;如果不明白是哪个单词,先空着,继续听后面的单词。 第三步 确定是哪个单词后再在草稿上写下单词。 第四步 所有单词听写一遍之后再回头听没有听懂的单词,翻开综合教程第96-97页,一边听一边在生词表中查找听到的单词。 注意:初级组同学可以试着写单词的第1-2个字母,中级组同学尽量写出单词和词组。 [br][/br] [音频] [音频] [音频][br][/br] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频] [音频]
- What is the main reason given for the widespread use of English?[音频] A: English is the most beautiful language in the world. B: People need a common language in the world. C: Many people use the Internet.