青书学堂: (5). Online degree programs are most appropriate to __________.
- 青书学堂: (3). Which of the following is NOT the advantage of online degree programs?
- 青书学堂: (4). To succeed in online degree programs, it is necessary for the students to __________.
- 青书学堂: (1). According to the passage, the main difference between online degree programs and traditional higher education is __________.
- One possible cause of uncertainty about online learning is that ___________? A: only a half million people are enrolled in online degree programs today. B: most people are used to a traditional, campus-based education. C: an online education is not as effective as traditional instruction. D: most programs offer rolling admissions.
- 中国大学MOOC: Today, university students who have earned a ______’s degree may apply for the programs of a master’s degree and then the programs for a doctor’s degree.