Anxiety about the tech giants on the part of startups and their investors goes much deeper than such events. (Para 2)
- 选择出学术风格较好的句式。 A: Anxiety about the tech giants on the part of startups and their investors goes much deeper than such events. B: Startups and their investors have much deeper anxiety about the tech giants than such events. C: Startups and their investors are much deeper anxious about the tech giants than such events.
- Even if giants do not copy startups outright, they can dent their prospects. (Para 5)
- Startups used to be able to have several years’ head start working on something novel without the giants noticing. (Para 6)
- What kind of events are the detailed articles about in serious papers?These articles are usually about national and ____events.
- Part 2:Para 4-7