• 2022-06-09
    The principal intention of the author of a dime novel was to ______.
    A: explore a segment of American society
    B: promote the American political philosophy
    C: raise the level of intelligence of the great masses of people
    D: make money
  • D


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      What does the author think of the stereotype held by mainstream American society about the Chinese language and Chinese people?( ) A: Annoying. B: Honest. C: Considered. D: Innocent.

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      The author suggests that the apparent increase in dishonesty in American society may indicate that______.

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      The author suggests that the apparent increase in dishonesty in American society may indicate ____. A: a general breakdown in American moral structure B: an inability to face up to normal human behavior C: that people are getting better at revealing dishonesty D: that dishonesty tends to ebb and flow

    • 3

      The great American author of Roots is_____ A: Malcolm X B: Alex Haley

    • 4

      In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is ________. [A] rewarding [B] successful [C] fruitless [D] harmful