The abbreviation for “required” is:
A: ref.
B: req.
C: r/
A: ref.
B: req.
C: r/
- 在Excel2010中,将B2单元格中的公式“=A1+A2-C1”复制到单元格C3后公式为( )。 A: B: REF!+ C: REF!- D: REF! E: F: REF!+ G: REF!- H: REF! I: J: REF!+ K: REF!- L: REF! M: N: REF!+ O: REF!+ P: REF!
- Reference notation may include thedate of the letter, a file number, the contract number, L/C number or the initials of thesigner of the letter and take the form as “Our ref.’’ and “Your ref.’’ .
- _______ more details on numerical techniques refer to Ref. [6-9].
- 在Exce12010中,假设在A3单元格存有一公式为“=(B$2+C$4)”,将其复制到B48后,公式变为( )。 A: B$36+B$38 B: C: REF!+ D: REF! E: F: REF!+ G: REF! H: I: REF!+ J: REF!
- 在Excel表格中,若在单元格B1种存储一个公式=A$7,将其复制到F1单元格后,公式变为()。 A: #REF! B: #REF! C: #REF! D: #REF!