• 2022-06-09
    A: the
    act of asking someone in a polite way to come to something or do
    B: in
    the near past.
    C: kept
    from being seen or known by others; private.
    D: made
    satisfied or happy.
  • B


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      act <br/>() A: the process of<br/>doing something. B: without a doubt;<br/>certainly. C: an instance of<br/>shooting with a weapon. D: the feeling that<br/>is caused by something amazing, impressive, or surprising.

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      replace ( <br/>) A: to go on being;<br/>continue in a particular way without a change. B: great in<br/>importance, position, or reputation. C: to take the<br/>place of. D: the act of<br/>starting something, working on it, and making it complete.

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      act () A: a thing or event<br/>that causes admiration, surprise, or amazement. B: able to be used or<br/>possible to get. C: to do something<br/>with purpose or energy. D: the state,<br/>quality, or condition of being strong.

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      modern<br/>() A: happening<br/>or done every day. B: having<br/>to do with the present or current times. C: to<br/>put on or in something in order to carry. D: the<br/>quality of being useful or handy for someone's purpose or need.

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      container n.() A: something<br/>that is used to hold or store things in B: make<br/>a soft swishing sound C: the<br/>act of moving something from one location to another