• 2022-06-09
    Which is the antonym of mitigate?
    A: Alleviate
    B: Ease
    C: Mollify
    D: Exacerbate
  • D


    • 0

      Which is the antonym of “block”? A: Clear B: Intercept C: Interdict D: Obstruct

    • 1

      Which is the antonym of tentative? A: Dependent B: Unconditional C: Subject to D: Contingent

    • 2

      Which is the antonym of spunk? A: Grit B: Fortitude C: Spinelessness D: Guts

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: Which is the antonym for “competent”?

    • 4

      If the patient has a history of gout, which of the following drugs is most likely to exacerbate this condition? () A: Colestipol B: Ezetimibe C: Gemfibrozil D: Niacin E: Simvastatin