• 2022-06-09
    From the passage, we can learn that American people hold a (n) ______ attitude towards the upward trend of interracial birth.
    A: supportive
    B: indifferent
    C: negative
    D: opposing
  • A


    • 0

      The authors attitude towards aquaculture is _____<br/>. A: optimistic B: negative C: indifferent D: uncertain

    • 1

      Catherine’s attitude towards the insulation of homes is ______. A: negative B: supportive C: ambiguous D: cautious

    • 2

      From the passage, we can learn that.---.

    • 3

      What can we learn from the passage?

    • 4

      What is the author's attitude towards junk food? A: Positive B: Indifferent C: Negative D: Biased