• 2022-06-09
    Praise gladdens
    A: the heart of the giver
    B: the heart of the receiver
    C: the heart of the giver and the receiver
  • C


    • 0

      Which of the following is not true about second heart sounds: A: It occurs at the beginning of ventricular diastole B: Auscultation is strongest and clearest at the apex of the heart C: The tone of the heart is higher and clearer than that of the first heart D: The duration is shorter than the first heart note

    • 1

      Children are always happy. They can play ______. A: for their heart's content B: for their heart content C: to their heart's content D: to their hearts' content

    • 2

      Which of the following X-ray characters is NOT right() A: Mitral stenosis X-ray:pear-like heart B: Mitral stenosis X-ray:apple-like heart C: Mitral insufficiency X-ray:ball-like heart D: Aortic stenosis X-ray:boot-like heart

    • 3


    • 4

      Yet love is better than life, and what is the heart of a bird _____ the heart of a man?