• 2022-05-29
    A: IV line
    B: ID bracelet
    C: urinalysis
    D: nail polish
  • B


    • 0

      Listen to the conversation (2.6) and put the following steps of changing an IV bag in the correct order. A: Prime the line B: Connect the IV cannula C: Check the IV solution D: Wash hands E: Sign the IV prescription F: Set the infusion rate G: Write up the IV infusion on the Fluid Balance Chart H: Start the infusion pump

    • 1

      抛光表面直到非常光泽。 A: Polish the surface until it is very shiny. B: Polish the surface until it gleams. C: Polish the surface to a high gloss.

    • 2

      下列腕带使用管理规定说法错误的是()。 A: 入院时双人核对腕带上的信息,准确无误后及时佩戴 B: 患者住院期间应全程佩戴腕带 C: 患者出院时,护士为患者去除腕带,按医用垃圾处理 D: 腕带信息应字迹清晰规范,准确无误

    • 3

      以下注射法中吸收速度最慢的是哪一个? A: ID B: H C: IM D: IV

    • 4

      急诊与病房、手术室、ICU之间进行交接时,应以患者姓名、腕带作为识别 患者身份的措施。