中国大学MOOC: 下面代码用于打开一个SummaryFragment对象,请补充完整:SummaryFragment f = new SummaryFragment();FragmentManager manger = getSupportFragmentManager();manger.beginTransaction().replace(, ).commit();
中国大学MOOC: 下面代码用于打开一个SummaryFragment对象,请补充完整:SummaryFragment f = new SummaryFragment();FragmentManager manger = getSupportFragmentManager();manger.beginTransaction().replace(, ).commit();
开始事务,提交事务,回滚事务分别是 A: begintransaction,rollbacktransaction,committransactionbegintransaction,rollbacktransaction,committransaction B: begintransaction,committransaction,rollbacktransaction
开始事务,提交事务,回滚事务分别是 A: begintransaction,rollbacktransaction,committransactionbegintransaction,rollbacktransaction,committransaction B: begintransaction,committransaction,rollbacktransaction
Nous _____________(manger) vite aujourd’hui.
Nous _____________(manger) vite aujourd’hui.
In English idioms, they use ____ to describe unpleasant situations such as ____ in the manger,_
In English idioms, they use ____ to describe unpleasant situations such as ____ in the manger,_
6. (ne pas manger) _____ trop de chocolat.
6. (ne pas manger) _____ trop de chocolat.
智慧职教: 通过FragmentManager的beginTransaction()可以开启FragmentTransaction。
智慧职教: 通过FragmentManager的beginTransaction()可以开启FragmentTransaction。
The manger took part in the interview in person.经理亲自出马参加面试。
The manger took part in the interview in person.经理亲自出马参加面试。
动词变位。Pierre _____ beaucoup. A: manger B: mange C: manges
动词变位。Pierre _____ beaucoup. A: manger B: mange C: manges
通过FragmentManager的beginTransaction()可以开启FragmentTransaction。 A: 正确 B: 错误
通过FragmentManager的beginTransaction()可以开启FragmentTransaction。 A: 正确 B: 错误
Sammy is going to be empowered to perform actions ________the manger general, when the latter is away on holiday.
Sammy is going to be empowered to perform actions ________the manger general, when the latter is away on holiday.