According to the data about the air pollutions in the first quarter in 2015, the average of PM 2.5 in _______ cities in China is about 66, nearly twice than the standard—35, among which _______ cities are more than double the standard. A: 364; 144 B: 365; 143 C: 366; 142 D: 367; 141
According to the data about the air pollutions in the first quarter in 2015, the average of PM 2.5 in _______ cities in China is about 66, nearly twice than the standard—35, among which _______ cities are more than double the standard. A: 364; 144 B: 365; 143 C: 366; 142 D: 367; 141
364 . 若要提高红色的明度,可以加入
364 . 若要提高红色的明度,可以加入
已知齿轮的模数m=4,齿数Z=38,该齿轮的分度圆、齿顶圆和齿根圆的直径分别为: A: 152;160;142 B: 142;152;160 C: 160;142;152 D: 152;142;160
已知齿轮的模数m=4,齿数Z=38,该齿轮的分度圆、齿顶圆和齿根圆的直径分别为: A: 152;160;142 B: 142;152;160 C: 160;142;152 D: 152;142;160
彝族太阳历中一年有几天() A: 360 B: 364 C: 362 D: 365
彝族太阳历中一年有几天() A: 360 B: 364 C: 362 D: 365
FBZ320热成型机所使用的PVC硬片规格为( ) A: 142*0.35 B: 260*0.45 C: 142*0.45 D: 260*0.35
FBZ320热成型机所使用的PVC硬片规格为( ) A: 142*0.35 B: 260*0.45 C: 142*0.45 D: 260*0.35
2,5,9,19,37,75,() A: 140 B: 142 C: 146 D: 149
2,5,9,19,37,75,() A: 140 B: 142 C: 146 D: 149