378 . 请选出下面四色中的中性色
378 . 请选出下面四色中的中性色
There are _____ voting members in the House of Representatives. A: 100 B: 270 C: 435 D: 538
There are _____ voting members in the House of Representatives. A: 100 B: 270 C: 435 D: 538
下面可能是八进制数的是( ) A: 125 B: 378 C: 256 D: 10101
下面可能是八进制数的是( ) A: 125 B: 378 C: 256 D: 10101
At least how many votes should be received so that the candidate for the U.S. President can obtain an absolute majority of electoral votes and then is elected to that office? A: 100 out of 435 votes B: 270 out of 538 votes C: 270 out of 435 votes D: 100 out of 538 votes
At least how many votes should be received so that the candidate for the U.S. President can obtain an absolute majority of electoral votes and then is elected to that office? A: 100 out of 435 votes B: 270 out of 538 votes C: 270 out of 435 votes D: 100 out of 538 votes
“CE”标志是欧共体玩具安全指令(88/378/EEC),是在何时施行的?( )
“CE”标志是欧共体玩具安全指令(88/378/EEC),是在何时施行的?( )
氰化高铁血红蛋白吸收峰(nm)是在() A: 535 B: 538 C: 540 D: 550 E: 560
氰化高铁血红蛋白吸收峰(nm)是在() A: 535 B: 538 C: 540 D: 550 E: 560
Q2 How much votes does a candidate need to win the presidency? A: 288 B: 270 C: 280 D: 538
Q2 How much votes does a candidate need to win the presidency? A: 288 B: 270 C: 280 D: 538
To be successful, a candidate for the U.S. Presidency must receive at least ______ electoral votes. A: 260 B: 180 C: 270 D: 538
To be successful, a candidate for the U.S. Presidency must receive at least ______ electoral votes. A: 260 B: 180 C: 270 D: 538
378、有机氯农药的毒性特点:( )。 A: 高残留 B: 中高毒性 C: 可通过食物链富集 D: 低毒
378、有机氯农药的毒性特点:( )。 A: 高残留 B: 中高毒性 C: 可通过食物链富集 D: 低毒