以下程序段中的loop是一个语句标号 if(score!=-1) { sum=sum+score; i++; goto loop; }
以下程序段中的loop是一个语句标号 if(score!=-1) { sum=sum+score; i++; goto loop; }
以下程序段中的loop是一个语句标号,它所标识的语句只能在该程序段之后 if(score!=-1) { sum=sum+score; i++; goto loop; }
以下程序段中的loop是一个语句标号,它所标识的语句只能在该程序段之后 if(score!=-1) { sum=sum+score; i++; goto loop; }
下列选项中,用于将 student 表按照 gender 字段进行分组查询,并且查询 score 字段值之和小于300的分组的 SQL 语句是 A: SELECT gender , SUM ( score ) FROM student GROUP BY gender HAVING SUM ( score )<;300; B: SELECT gender , SUM ( score ) FROM student GROUP BY gender WHERE SUM ( score )300; C: SELECT gender , SUM ( score ) FROM student WHERE SUM ( score )<;300 GROUP BY gender ; D: 以上语句都不对
下列选项中,用于将 student 表按照 gender 字段进行分组查询,并且查询 score 字段值之和小于300的分组的 SQL 语句是 A: SELECT gender , SUM ( score ) FROM student GROUP BY gender HAVING SUM ( score )<;300; B: SELECT gender , SUM ( score ) FROM student GROUP BY gender WHERE SUM ( score )300; C: SELECT gender , SUM ( score ) FROM student WHERE SUM ( score )<;300 GROUP BY gender ; D: 以上语句都不对
设有学生选课表score(sno,cname,grade),其中sno表示学生学号,cname表示课程名,grade表示成绩。以下能够统计每个学生选课数的语句是()。 A: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM score GROUP BY sno ; B: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM score GROUP BY cname ; C: SELECT<br/>SUM(*) FROM score GROUP BY cname ; D: SELECT<br/>SUM(*) FROM score GROUP BY sno ;
设有学生选课表score(sno,cname,grade),其中sno表示学生学号,cname表示课程名,grade表示成绩。以下能够统计每个学生选课数的语句是()。 A: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM score GROUP BY sno ; B: SELECT<br/>COUNT(*) FROM score GROUP BY cname ; C: SELECT<br/>SUM(*) FROM score GROUP BY cname ; D: SELECT<br/>SUM(*) FROM score GROUP BY sno ;
下列语句更改数据框df中数据的语句是( )。 A: df['a'].sum() B: df.iat[1,0]=25 C: df.loc['a','score']=86 D: df['score'].mean()
下列语句更改数据框df中数据的语句是( )。 A: df['a'].sum() B: df.iat[1,0]=25 C: df.loc['a','score']=86 D: df['score'].mean()
有以下程序 struct STU { char num[10]; float score[3]; } main() { struct STU s[3]={{"20021",90,95,85},{"20022",95,80,75}, {"20023",100,95,90}},*p=s; int i; float sum=0; for(i=0;i<3;i++) sum=sum+p->score[i]; printf("%6.2f\n",sum); } 程序运行后的输出结果是
有以下程序 struct STU { char num[10]; float score[3]; } main() { struct STU s[3]={{"20021",90,95,85},{"20022",95,80,75}, {"20023",100,95,90}},*p=s; int i; float sum=0; for(i=0;i<3;i++) sum=sum+p->score[i]; printf("%6.2f\n",sum); } 程序运行后的输出结果是
以下程序的功能是:按顺序读入10名学生的4门课程的成绩,计算出每位学生的平均分并输出,程序如下: main() { int n,k; float score,sum,ave; sum=0.0; for(n=1;n<=10;n++) { for(k=1;k<=4;k++) { scanf("%f",&score); sum+=score;} } ave=sum/4.0; printf("NO%d:%f\n",n,ave); } } 上述程序有一条语句出现在程序的位置不正确。这条语句是()
以下程序的功能是:按顺序读入10名学生的4门课程的成绩,计算出每位学生的平均分并输出,程序如下: main() { int n,k; float score,sum,ave; sum=0.0; for(n=1;n<=10;n++) { for(k=1;k<=4;k++) { scanf("%f",&score); sum+=score;} } ave=sum/4.0; printf("NO%d:%f\n",n,ave); } } 上述程序有一条语句出现在程序的位置不正确。这条语句是()
下面代码的输出结果是()。 <?php $score=87; if($score>=90 && $score<=100){$grade="优秀";} if($score>=80){$grade="良好";} if($score>=70){$grade="一般";} if($score>=60){$grade="及格";} else{$grade="不及格";} echo $grade; ?>
下面代码的输出结果是()。 <?php $score=87; if($score>=90 && $score<=100){$grade="优秀";} if($score>=80){$grade="良好";} if($score>=70){$grade="一般";} if($score>=60){$grade="及格";} else{$grade="不及格";} echo $grade; ?>
以下参数传递正确的是: A: def score(mid_score, end_score): ……score(88, 79) B: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(88, 79) C: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(end_score = 79, mid_score = 88) D: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(mid_score = 88, end_score = 79,0.5)
以下参数传递正确的是: A: def score(mid_score, end_score): ……score(88, 79) B: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(88, 79) C: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(end_score = 79, mid_score = 88) D: def score( *,mid_score, end_score, mid_rate=0.4): ……score(mid_score = 88, end_score = 79,0.5)
There are ________students playing basketball in the room. A: score of B: scores of C: two score D: two score of
There are ________students playing basketball in the room. A: score of B: scores of C: two score D: two score of