• 2022-06-07 问题

    If shipment is to be made during September/October,when should you ship the goods____ A: from September 1 to October 1 B: from September 1 to October 31 C: from September 30 to October 31 D: from September 1 to October 30

    If shipment is to be made during September/October,when should you ship the goods____ A: from September 1 to October 1 B: from September 1 to October 31 C: from September 30 to October 31 D: from September 1 to October 30

  • 2022-07-02 问题

    写出条件查询“表1 里的字段1的id是多少”() A: select * from 表1 where字段1=“值” B: select id from 表1 where字段1=“值” C: select id from 字段1 where表1=“值” D: select id from 表1

    写出条件查询“表1 里的字段1的id是多少”() A: select * from 表1 where字段1=“值” B: select id from 表1 where字段1=“值” C: select id from 字段1 where表1=“值” D: select id from 表1

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    1 This is a letter from __________ to _____________.

    1 This is a letter from __________ to _____________.

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    1.toddler age is from what time to what time? A: from delivery to 1 year old B: from 1 to 3 years old C: from fertilized ovum to delivery D: from umbilical ligation to 28thday E: from 6-7 years old to adolescence

    1.toddler age is from what time to what time? A: from delivery to 1 year old B: from 1 to 3 years old C: from fertilized ovum to delivery D: from umbilical ligation to 28thday E: from 6-7 years old to adolescence

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    查询“学生”表中“学号 char(10)”尾字符是"1"的错误命令是( )。 A: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE 学号 LIKE '_1' B: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE 学号 LIKE '%[1]' C: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE 学号 LIKE '%1' D: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE RIGHT(学号,1)='1'

    查询“学生”表中“学号 char(10)”尾字符是"1"的错误命令是( )。 A: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE 学号 LIKE '_1' B: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE 学号 LIKE '%[1]' C: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE 学号 LIKE '%1' D: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE RIGHT(学号,1)='1'

  • 2022-06-08 问题

    下面检索结果一定不是一行的命令: A: select distinct * from orders ; B: select * from orders limit 1,2; C: select top 1 * from orders; D: select * from orders limit 1;

    下面检索结果一定不是一行的命令: A: select distinct * from orders ; B: select * from orders limit 1,2; C: select top 1 * from orders; D: select * from orders limit 1;

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    以下可以正确运行的查询语句有( ) A: select * from user ; B: select * from user where username =’李四’; C: select * from user where 1=1; D: select distinct * from user;

    以下可以正确运行的查询语句有( ) A: select * from user ; B: select * from user where username =’李四’; C: select * from user where 1=1; D: select distinct * from user;

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    查询学生表中学号(字符型,长度为2)末尾字符是"1"的错误命令是( ). A: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,2,1)="1" B: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE "1" $ 学号 C: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,2)="1" D: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE RIGHT(学号,1)="1"

    查询学生表中学号(字符型,长度为2)末尾字符是"1"的错误命令是( ). A: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,2,1)="1" B: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE "1" $ 学号 C: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE SUBSTR(学号,2)="1" D: SELECT * FROM 学生 WHERE RIGHT(学号,1)="1"

  • 2022-11-03 问题

    查询订购单号(字符型,长度为4)尾字符是1的错误命令是()。 A: SELECT*FROM订单WHERESUBSTR(订购单号,4)=,,1”         B: SELECT*FROM订单WHERESUBSTR(订购单号,4,1卜,,1”          C: SELECT*FROM订单WHERE”1”$订购单号          D: SELECT*FROM订单WHERERIGHT(订购单号,1)="1”

    查询订购单号(字符型,长度为4)尾字符是1的错误命令是()。 A: SELECT*FROM订单WHERESUBSTR(订购单号,4)=,,1”         B: SELECT*FROM订单WHERESUBSTR(订购单号,4,1卜,,1”          C: SELECT*FROM订单WHERE”1”$订购单号          D: SELECT*FROM订单WHERERIGHT(订购单号,1)="1”

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    请选择下面正确的SQL语句( ) A: select * from 表名 order by 列名1 and order by 列名2 B: select * from 表名 order by 列名1,列名2 C: select * from 表名 where 列1=值1 and 列2=值2 D: select * from 表名 where 列1=值1 and 列1=值2

    请选择下面正确的SQL语句( ) A: select * from 表名 order by 列名1 and order by 列名2 B: select * from 表名 order by 列名1,列名2 C: select * from 表名 where 列1=值1 and 列2=值2 D: select * from 表名 where 列1=值1 and 列1=值2

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