• 2022-06-16 问题

    如果请求页面中有两个表示性别的单选按钮: 性别: [input type="radio" name="xingbie" id="radio" value="男" /] 男 [input name="xingbie" type="radio" id="radio2" value="女" checked="checked" /] 女 该请求页面提交后,下面( )语句可以获得用户选择的性别信息。 A: equest.getParameter("radio"); B: equest.getParameter("xingbie"); C: equest.getAttribute("xingbie"); D: equest.getAttribute("radio");

    如果请求页面中有两个表示性别的单选按钮: 性别: [input type="radio" name="xingbie" id="radio" value="男" /] 男 [input name="xingbie" type="radio" id="radio2" value="女" checked="checked" /] 女 该请求页面提交后,下面( )语句可以获得用户选择的性别信息。 A: equest.getParameter("radio"); B: equest.getParameter("xingbie"); C: equest.getAttribute("xingbie"); D: equest.getAttribute("radio");

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    Among the five national radio channels of BBC, ___________is sometimes referred to as “Radio Bloke”. A: Radio 1 B: Radio 2 C: Radio 3 D: Radio 5 Live

    Among the five national radio channels of BBC, ___________is sometimes referred to as “Radio Bloke”. A: Radio 1 B: Radio 2 C: Radio 3 D: Radio 5 Live

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    如果请求页面中有两个表示性别的单选按钮:<;p>;性别:<;input type="radio" name="xingbie" id="radio" value="男" />; 男<;input name="xingbie" type="radio" id="radio2" value="女" checked="checked" />; 女<;/p>;该请求页面提交后,下面哪个语句可以获得用户选择的性别信息。 A: request.getParameter(xingbie); B: request.getParameter("xingbie");

    如果请求页面中有两个表示性别的单选按钮:<;p>;性别:<;input type="radio" name="xingbie" id="radio" value="男" />; 男<;input name="xingbie" type="radio" id="radio2" value="女" checked="checked" />; 女<;/p>;该请求页面提交后,下面哪个语句可以获得用户选择的性别信息。 A: request.getParameter(xingbie); B: request.getParameter("xingbie");

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The word “radar” is an acronym for _______ A: Radio Detecting and Ranging B: Radio Defect and Reach C: Radio Defending and Range D: Radio Detect and Range

    The word “radar” is an acronym for _______ A: Radio Detecting and Ranging B: Radio Defect and Reach C: Radio Defending and Range D: Radio Detect and Range

  • 2022-06-12 问题

    <input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio" value="male" />这段代码表示

    <input type="radio" name="radio" id="radio" value="male" />这段代码表示

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    <;input type=”()” name=”sex” value=”0” checked>;男<;input type=”()” name=sex value=”2”>;女上面代码,添加了一组单选按钮,用于选择性别。 A: radio,radio B: text,text C: checkbox,checkbox D: radio,text

    <;input type=”()” name=”sex” value=”0” checked>;男<;input type=”()” name=sex value=”2”>;女上面代码,添加了一组单选按钮,用于选择性别。 A: radio,radio B: text,text C: checkbox,checkbox D: radio,text

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    5 turn off a radio ____ hold a radio ____

    5 turn off a radio ____ hold a radio ____

  • 2022-06-07 问题

    GPRS的英文全称为:()。 A: AGlobal Packet Radio Service B: BGeneral Packet Radio Service C: CGeneral Packet Radio System D: DGlobal Packet Radio System

    GPRS的英文全称为:()。 A: AGlobal Packet Radio Service B: BGeneral Packet Radio Service C: CGeneral Packet Radio System D: DGlobal Packet Radio System

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    (), she began to search some on TV. A: There were so no interesting radio programs B: There was no interesting radio programs C: Without being interesting radio programs D: There being no interesting radio programs

    (), she began to search some on TV. A: There were so no interesting radio programs B: There was no interesting radio programs C: Without being interesting radio programs D: There being no interesting radio programs

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    The main impact the Telecommunications Act of 1996 had on radio was to______. A: give small radio stations spaces on the radio spectrum B: cause irreversible damage to national radio C: put pressure on local programming to conform to national standards D: reduce diversity in radio programming

    The main impact the Telecommunications Act of 1996 had on radio was to______. A: give small radio stations spaces on the radio spectrum B: cause irreversible damage to national radio C: put pressure on local programming to conform to national standards D: reduce diversity in radio programming

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