Fritz haber and Carl Bosch developed the Haber process for making ammonia in 1905, a milestone in industrial chemistry with deep consequences in agriculture.
Fritz haber and Carl Bosch developed the Haber process for making ammonia in 1905, a milestone in industrial chemistry with deep consequences in agriculture.
Fritz Haber won the ( ) Nobel Prize in Chemistry. A: 1916 B: 1917 C: 1918 D: 1919
Fritz Haber won the ( ) Nobel Prize in Chemistry. A: 1916 B: 1917 C: 1918 D: 1919
国外传媒把Haber -Process评为20世纪最重大的发明,可称其为近代化学的一次“革命”。( )
国外传媒把Haber -Process评为20世纪最重大的发明,可称其为近代化学的一次“革命”。( )
Woher ich das weiss Aber das hat doch in allen Zeitungen...... . A: gesagt B: geschrieben C: gestanden D: berichtet
Woher ich das weiss Aber das hat doch in allen Zeitungen...... . A: gesagt B: geschrieben C: gestanden D: berichtet
In year ( ), Gerhard Ertl became the head of the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin. A: 1984 B: 1985 C: 1986 D: 1987
In year ( ), Gerhard Ertl became the head of the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin. A: 1984 B: 1985 C: 1986 D: 1987
中国大学MOOC: 关于儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD),韦斯(Weiss)认为它是( )因素影响的结果
中国大学MOOC: 关于儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD),韦斯(Weiss)认为它是( )因素影响的结果
下面几个人中哪位是2017年诺贝尔医学和生理奖的获奖人之一? A: Rainer Weiss B: Jeffrey Hall C: Jacques Dubochet D: Kazuo Ishiguro
下面几个人中哪位是2017年诺贝尔医学和生理奖的获奖人之一? A: Rainer Weiss B: Jeffrey Hall C: Jacques Dubochet D: Kazuo Ishiguro
What is one of the reasons given by Morse and Weiss for the fact that people continue working for organizations A: To earn high financial rewards. B: To achieve promotion C: To attain a personal ambition D: To pursue something stimulatin
What is one of the reasons given by Morse and Weiss for the fact that people continue working for organizations A: To earn high financial rewards. B: To achieve promotion C: To attain a personal ambition D: To pursue something stimulatin
What is one of the reasons given by Morse and Weiss for the fact that people continue working for organizations A: To earn high financial rewards. B: To achieve promotion C: To attain a personal ambition D: To pursue something stimulating.
What is one of the reasons given by Morse and Weiss for the fact that people continue working for organizations A: To earn high financial rewards. B: To achieve promotion C: To attain a personal ambition D: To pursue something stimulating.