When you go to the shops bring me ______. A: a fruit tin B: a fruits tin C: a tin of fruit D: a tin of fruits
When you go to the shops bring me ______. A: a fruit tin B: a fruits tin C: a tin of fruit D: a tin of fruits
Tin pest occurs because of an allotropic change of Tin below 13.2oC
Tin pest occurs because of an allotropic change of Tin below 13.2oC
数字高程模型的主要表示模型有()。 A: TIN,等高线 B: GRID C: GRID,TIN D: GRID,TIN,等高线
数字高程模型的主要表示模型有()。 A: TIN,等高线 B: GRID C: GRID,TIN D: GRID,TIN,等高线
He found a coin in his pocket and _____ her collecting tin. ( ) A: treated it to B: slipped it into C: spanned it with D: put it on
He found a coin in his pocket and _____ her collecting tin. ( ) A: treated it to B: slipped it into C: spanned it with D: put it on
Jack hurt his feet ______. A: when he opened the tin B: after he opened the tin C: when he ate the fish
Jack hurt his feet ______. A: when he opened the tin B: after he opened the tin C: when he ate the fish
Place a plate over the cake tin and ______ it. (U1----B)
Place a plate over the cake tin and ______ it. (U1----B)
Which of the following statements about Tin Pan Alley is false?
Which of the following statements about Tin Pan Alley is false?