对于延绵5000多年的中华文明而言,50年只是弹指一挥间。 A: Fifty years is but a finger moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-more years. B: Fifty years is one finger moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-odd years. C: Fifty years is a short moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-more years. D: Fifty years is but a too short moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-odd years.
对于延绵5000多年的中华文明而言,50年只是弹指一挥间。 A: Fifty years is but a finger moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-more years. B: Fifty years is one finger moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-odd years. C: Fifty years is a short moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-more years. D: Fifty years is but a too short moment for the Chinese civilization with a history of 5000-odd years.
China has a recorded history of more than 5000 years.
China has a recorded history of more than 5000 years.
It has more than 5000 islands along the coast, with the largest one being _____Island.
It has more than 5000 islands along the coast, with the largest one being _____Island.
Question 4 A: Nearly 50 B: Nearly 4900 C: Less than 4000 D: More than 5000
Question 4 A: Nearly 50 B: Nearly 4900 C: Less than 4000 D: More than 5000
WhichclausewouldyouuseinaSELECTstatementtolimitthedisplaytothoseemployeeswhosesalaryisgreaterthen5000?() A: ORDERBYSALARY>5000 B: GROUPBYSALARY>5000 C: HAVINGSALARY>5000 D: WHERESALARY>5000
WhichclausewouldyouuseinaSELECTstatementtolimitthedisplaytothoseemployeeswhosesalaryisgreaterthen5000?() A: ORDERBYSALARY>5000 B: GROUPBYSALARY>5000 C: HAVINGSALARY>5000 D: WHERESALARY>5000
在交付前检验时,导轨的直线度偏差应不大于( )。A.1.0/5000 B.1.5/5000 C.1.2/5000D.2.0/5000 A: A.1.0/5000 B: B.1.5/5000 C: C.1.2/5000 D: D.2.0/5000
在交付前检验时,导轨的直线度偏差应不大于( )。A.1.0/5000 B.1.5/5000 C.1.2/5000D.2.0/5000 A: A.1.0/5000 B: B.1.5/5000 C: C.1.2/5000 D: D.2.0/5000
以现金5000元支付广告费,编制的会计分录是()。 A: 借:销售费用 5000贷:库存现金 5000 B: 借:管理费用 5000贷:库存现金 5000 C: 借:生产成本 5000贷:库存现金 5000 D: 借:销售费用 5000贷:银行存款 5000
以现金5000元支付广告费,编制的会计分录是()。 A: 借:销售费用 5000贷:库存现金 5000 B: 借:管理费用 5000贷:库存现金 5000 C: 借:生产成本 5000贷:库存现金 5000 D: 借:销售费用 5000贷:银行存款 5000
用银行存款支付罚款5000元。 A: 借:营业外支出5000;贷:银行存款5000 B: 借:银行存款5000;贷:营业外收入5000 C: 借:管理费用5000;贷:银行存款5000 D: 借:预付账款5000;贷:银行存款5000
用银行存款支付罚款5000元。 A: 借:营业外支出5000;贷:银行存款5000 B: 借:银行存款5000;贷:营业外收入5000 C: 借:管理费用5000;贷:银行存款5000 D: 借:预付账款5000;贷:银行存款5000
到银行提取现金5000元,会计分录正确的是 A: 借:库存现金5000 贷:银行存款5000 B: 借:银行存款5000 贷:库存现金5000 C: 借:短期借款5000 贷:银行存款5000 D: 借:银行存款5000 贷:短期借款5000
到银行提取现金5000元,会计分录正确的是 A: 借:库存现金5000 贷:银行存款5000 B: 借:银行存款5000 贷:库存现金5000 C: 借:短期借款5000 贷:银行存款5000 D: 借:银行存款5000 贷:短期借款5000
用银行存款支付企业广告费5000元,该笔业务的分录应表示为()。 A: 借:管理费用5000贷:银行存款5000 B: 借:销售费用5000贷:银行存款5000 C: 借:财务费用5000贷:银行存款5000 D: 借:制造费用5000贷:银行存款5000
用银行存款支付企业广告费5000元,该笔业务的分录应表示为()。 A: 借:管理费用5000贷:银行存款5000 B: 借:销售费用5000贷:银行存款5000 C: 借:财务费用5000贷:银行存款5000 D: 借:制造费用5000贷:银行存款5000