Most of the airlines have the allowance of ______ for first-class passengers. A: 40 kg B: 30 kg C: 20 kg D: 10 kg
Most of the airlines have the allowance of ______ for first-class passengers. A: 40 kg B: 30 kg C: 20 kg D: 10 kg
Most of the airlines have the allowance of ______ for economy class passengers. A: 40 kg B: 30 kg C: 20 kg D: 10 kg
Most of the airlines have the allowance of ______ for economy class passengers. A: 40 kg B: 30 kg C: 20 kg D: 10 kg
Most of the airlines have the allowance of ______ for business class passengers. A: 40 kg B: 30 kg C: 20 kg D: 10 kg
Most of the airlines have the allowance of ______ for business class passengers. A: 40 kg B: 30 kg C: 20 kg D: 10 kg
What are the allowed weight of checked luggage for economy class if you travel by air in the area of China() A: 20 kg B: 10 kg C: 40 kg D: 30 kg
What are the allowed weight of checked luggage for economy class if you travel by air in the area of China() A: 20 kg B: 10 kg C: 40 kg D: 30 kg
纠正中度脱水,补充累积损失量应为() A: 10~20ml/kg B: 20~30ml/kg C: 30~50ml/kg D: 50~100ml/kg E: 100~120ml/kg
纠正中度脱水,补充累积损失量应为() A: 10~20ml/kg B: 20~30ml/kg C: 30~50ml/kg D: 50~100ml/kg E: 100~120ml/kg
体块指数BMI=体重(kg)/身高的平方(m A: 0~10% B: 10%~20% C: 20%~30% D: 30%~40%
体块指数BMI=体重(kg)/身高的平方(m A: 0~10% B: 10%~20% C: 20%~30% D: 30%~40%
醋炙法中一般每100kg净药物醋的用量为( )。 A: 10 kg B: 20kg C: 30 kg D: 40 kg
醋炙法中一般每100kg净药物醋的用量为( )。 A: 10 kg B: 20kg C: 30 kg D: 40 kg
一般认为,保肥力中等的土壤,其阳离子交换量范围为()。 A: 5~10cmol(+)/kg B: 10~20cmol(+)/kg C: 20~30cmol(+)/kg D: 30~40cmol(+)/kg
一般认为,保肥力中等的土壤,其阳离子交换量范围为()。 A: 5~10cmol(+)/kg B: 10~20cmol(+)/kg C: 20~30cmol(+)/kg D: 30~40cmol(+)/kg
从事轻体力活动的成年肥胖糖尿病病人每日所需热量是 A: 10~15 kcal/kg B: 40~45 kcal/kg C: 30~35 kcaL/kg D: 20~25 kcal/kg
从事轻体力活动的成年肥胖糖尿病病人每日所需热量是 A: 10~15 kcal/kg B: 40~45 kcal/kg C: 30~35 kcaL/kg D: 20~25 kcal/kg
造血功能重建所需外周血单个核细胞数() A: (6~8)×10/kg B: (15~50)×10/kg C: (1~100)×10/kg D: (0.5~5)×10/kg E: (1.0~2.0)×10/kg
造血功能重建所需外周血单个核细胞数() A: (6~8)×10/kg B: (15~50)×10/kg C: (1~100)×10/kg D: (0.5~5)×10/kg E: (1.0~2.0)×10/kg