将十进制正整数d转换成r(2~9)进制的字符串,下列递归函数正确的是__________。 A: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) End If End Function B: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) End If End Function C: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function D: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function
将十进制正整数d转换成r(2~9)进制的字符串,下列递归函数正确的是__________。 A: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) End If End Function B: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) End If End Function C: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function D: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function
伪指令DA1 BYTE 04H DUP( 3 DUP(2), 2 DUP(3))在数据区能构成0203H操作数共有( )
伪指令DA1 BYTE 04H DUP( 3 DUP(2), 2 DUP(3))在数据区能构成0203H操作数共有( )
画图说明下列语句分配的存储空间及初始化的数据值: ⑴ byte_var db ’ABC’,10,10h,’EF’,3 dup(-1,?,3 dup(4)) ⑵ word_var dw 10h,-5,3 dup(?)
画图说明下列语句分配的存储空间及初始化的数据值: ⑴ byte_var db ’ABC’,10,10h,’EF’,3 dup(-1,?,3 dup(4)) ⑵ word_var dw 10h,-5,3 dup(?)
__________ of the profitability of the firm over a period of time such as a year. ( ) A: The income statement is a summary B: The balance sheet is a summary C: The audit report is a summary D: That statement of cash flows is a summary
__________ of the profitability of the firm over a period of time such as a year. ( ) A: The income statement is a summary B: The balance sheet is a summary C: The audit report is a summary D: That statement of cash flows is a summary
能够为变量BVAR定义10个数值为0的语句是___________。 A: BVAR byte '0' B: BVAR byte 10 dup(0) C: BVAR byte 0 dup(10) D: BVAR byte 10 dup('0')
能够为变量BVAR定义10个数值为0的语句是___________。 A: BVAR byte '0' B: BVAR byte 10 dup(0) C: BVAR byte 0 dup(10) D: BVAR byte 10 dup('0')
22. Summary writing requires the summary writer to convey all the messages of the original.
22. Summary writing requires the summary writer to convey all the messages of the original.
BUF DW 10H DUP(3 DUP(2,10H),3,5)上述语句汇编后,为变量BUF分配的存储单元字节数是( )。
BUF DW 10H DUP(3 DUP(2,10H),3,5)上述语句汇编后,为变量BUF分配的存储单元字节数是( )。
Which of the following statement is correct about the summary? A: A summary should not contain any interpretation or personal comment. B: A summary should represent the essential point of the article. C: A summary is very effective to conclude a document. D: All of the above.
Which of the following statement is correct about the summary? A: A summary should not contain any interpretation or personal comment. B: A summary should represent the essential point of the article. C: A summary is very effective to conclude a document. D: All of the above.
Trans -Pacific Partnership Agreement是( )组织的英文名称。
Trans -Pacific Partnership Agreement是( )组织的英文名称。