• 2022-06-26 问题

    将十进制正整数d转换成r(2~9)进制的字符串,下列递归函数正确的是__________。 A: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) End If End Function B: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) End If End Function C: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function D: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function

    将十进制正整数d转换成r(2~9)进制的字符串,下列递归函数正确的是__________。 A: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) End If End Function B: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = "" Else Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) End If End Function C: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = Trans(d \ r, r) & (d Mod r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function D: Function Trans$(ByVal d%, ByVal r%) If d = 0 Then Trans = (d Mod r) & Trans(d \ r, r) Else Trans = "" End If End Function

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    伪指令DA1 BYTE 04H DUP( 3 DUP(2), 2 DUP(3))在数据区能构成0203H操作数共有( )

    伪指令DA1 BYTE 04H DUP( 3 DUP(2), 2 DUP(3))在数据区能构成0203H操作数共有( )

  • 2021-04-14 问题

     画图说明下列语句分配的存储空间及初始化的数据值: ⑴ byte_var db ’ABC’,10,10h,’EF’,3 dup(-1,?,3 dup(4)) ⑵ word_var dw 10h,-5,3 dup(?)

     画图说明下列语句分配的存储空间及初始化的数据值: ⑴ byte_var db ’ABC’,10,10h,’EF’,3 dup(-1,?,3 dup(4)) ⑵ word_var dw 10h,-5,3 dup(?)

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    __________ of the profitability of the firm over a period of time such as a year. ( ) A: The income statement is a summary B: The balance sheet is a summary C: The audit report is a summary D: That statement of cash flows is a summary

    __________ of the profitability of the firm over a period of time such as a year. ( ) A: The income statement is a summary B: The balance sheet is a summary C: The audit report is a summary D: That statement of cash flows is a summary

  • 2022-10-31 问题

    能够为变量BVAR定义10个数值为0的语句是___________。 A: BVAR byte '0' B: BVAR byte 10 dup(0) C: BVAR byte 0 dup(10) D: BVAR byte 10 dup('0')

    能够为变量BVAR定义10个数值为0的语句是___________。 A: BVAR byte '0' B: BVAR byte 10 dup(0) C: BVAR byte 0 dup(10) D: BVAR byte 10 dup('0')

  • 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2021-04-14 问题

    22. Summary writing requires the summary writer to convey all the messages of the original.

    22. Summary writing requires the summary writer to convey all the messages of the original.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    BUF DW 10H DUP(3 DUP(2,10H),3,5)上述语句汇编后,为变量BUF分配的存储单元字节数是( )。

    BUF DW 10H DUP(3 DUP(2,10H),3,5)上述语句汇编后,为变量BUF分配的存储单元字节数是( )。

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Which of the following statement is correct about the summary? A: A summary should not contain any interpretation or personal comment. B: A summary should represent the essential point of the article. C: A summary is very effective to conclude a document. D: All of the above.

    Which of the following statement is correct about the summary? A: A summary should not contain any interpretation or personal comment. B: A summary should represent the essential point of the article. C: A summary is very effective to conclude a document. D: All of the above.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Trans -Pacific Partnership Agreement是( )组织的英文名称。

    Trans -Pacific Partnership Agreement是( )组织的英文名称。

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